For two years I did not post anything here. There are a lot of reasons for this. I did not quit following the races, both in Alaska and Canada and the northern US as well. I stayed an avid fan and dreamed of the day I might again go to the north 49th and be near the beautiful dogs and heroic mushers I so love and admire. I just did not write or post here.
For one thing about the time I backed off, my brother/roommate and I decided we had more than enough of New Mexico and were ready to move back to our spirits' home in the state of Arizona. That was a huge and difficult project--covered in my detail in my Dreams, Dogs, Deserts and Druid (4Ds) blog. I also had gotten a bit crosswise with one lady musher who took an exception to anything I said on several Facebook groups that focused on racing, sled dogs and similar topics. She accused me of being an attention hogging stupid fan who pretended to know a lot when I really did not have a clue and would jump on anything I said, even the most mild and innocent comment. I still do not know why. However, given my history of low self esteem, lack of confidence and such--again covered a lot on 4Ds--I began to doubt myself and question whether I had any business aspiring to write a book about the sport I love and the wonderful dogs and the amazing women who drive them in the races. That project was placed on the back burner, never forgotten or surrendered but jammed up against an enormous writer's block that threw a blanket of silence over me--including here.
Also things up north have been very disrupted and many changes have taken place and continue in my first race love, the venerable and iconic Iditarod. Dallas Seavey was accused--probably falsely-- of drugging his dogs. Other mushers were hassled by the 'official' drug testing vet clinic's main man. PeTA threw huge protests and eventually the whole board structure of the organization was turned inside out and rebuilt. I am still feeling a bit shaken and uncertain about the eventual result of all this but with the 2020 race season about to begin--despite some fierce cold temperatures and lack of snow in many areas--I have caught the fever and want to get back to talking, cussing and discussing with anyone who is interested and of course following the excitement.
We have two new champs since I last posted. Joar Leifseth Ulsom won the 2018 race and Pete Kaiser won in 2019. Some old regulars have either retired or ceased to compete in a real intensive way, simply making the run for the joy and good memories. Deedee Jonrowe scratched out in 2018which she had said would be her last and in 2019r went along as a commentator and reporter by snow machine. Jeff King, Lance Mackey, Martin Buser and other multiple winners seem to have admitted their fifth win is unlikely and now leave fighting for the top ten to the young up and coming bunch. And that group now includes several women, a fact I cheer with much enthusiasm. There were three in the top ten in 2019: Jessie Royer, Aliy Z and Paige Drobney! This year will be very exciting, I am sure. Joar vs Pete, Nic Petit still hungry for a win and those hard charging gals...
So enough of that. The Copper Basin 300 kicks off Saturday and will be live broadcast. Several of the other mid-distance races will be happening soon too. Watch for dates, links to the trackers or the sites etc. The The Yukon Quest will start from Fairbanks this year in February and of course the Iditarod will begin March 7. Oh, how I would love to be up there as a volunteer again but this year it just isn't possible.
Anyway I will be back and sharing details and even some of my ill informed and misguided opinions in all likelihood! Yes, I can joke about it now but for some time I was really depressed and nearly devastated. Thankfully my dear friend Helen Hegener always tried to support and encourage me and her help was invaluable. I saw how Aliy came back after her terrible encounter with the drunken snow machine guy and decided my trauma was way, way, way less than that. I knew it was time to musher up and get back on the trail!!
On by! I am heading out. See you very soon here!! Smooth, fast trail and good runs to one and all.
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