This one really seems to have upset a lot of mushers and fans, supporters etc. as well. It has the potential to change the character of the race so massively --yes, even more and faster than the concerns I shared earlier--which in view of the bigger issues in the interim have basically gone unnoticed--that hundreds are seriously up in arms about it.
Dallas Seavey has started a petition to ask the Board to change this considerably. As you know I am generally not a Seavey fan but I listened to a video clip from a presentation he did with Wade Marrs, the 2016 fourth place finisher, and what he said was very sensible and the same for Wade. I try not to ever let personal prejudices stand in the way of facts and reason! I may not like all of Seavey's attitude but I do think he is sincere in wanting the race to stay 'honest' and as close to the original intent as is possible in this day and age. His personal methods do not impinge on this, really. He is now at least talking "it's all about the dogs," Perhaps in some round-about ways he got a message of sorts.
Here is a link to the petition. Sincere fans may sign if I read it right so anyone here who wants to add their name is welcome to do so. The opportunity for "cheating" and giving some mushers a huge advantage over others through "coaching" and other assistance and advice is just too huge. The size of a support team one could field depends greatly on funds and one's kennel staff etc. So small and newbie mushers might not beneifit too much in that regard.
Musher safety was what the ITC claimed to have been trying to achieve but it was definitely one of those "unintended consequences" types of efforts and perhaps not thought out as well as it should have been. They have really been in a CYA panic button mode, or so it feels. Copy and paste the text below to see and sign if you wish.
I will be at the meeting--the big annual meeting--on June 25th and it may be very interesting!
As a fun side note, Heelers are not the only pups with oversized ears! One of the past litters at SPK was four the other day and Aliy posted some pictures. This is Chipper at age two and then age four. At two she had ears to match those of our young Heeler, Riata, when she came here at about six months of age! BTW, this girl is a daughter of Quito and now looks a lot like her mama. I think the ears are more a heritage from daddy Biscuit. Quito's are upright or "pricked" in the term the herding dog folks use but not overly large.
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