From what I have learned via the Facebook Idita-Support group and a few other places, things are in quite a fluid and changeable time with the Big Race. They have just repealed the rule about mushers not carrying cell phones or other comm devices. The rule had resulted in Brent Sass being disqualified early in the 2014 race. There have been rumors others did carry things and were not found out but that is just hear-say. At any rate, it will not be legal,
I can see both pros and cons to this. Certainly family and friends can keep mushers apprised of where other mushers are in the race and what is going on; that can be both an advantage and at times possibly a hindrance. In the long run, it probably dies not matter because each musher and his or her team must run their own race in their own best way. Paying too much attention to what others may be doing seems to have proved the opposite of an aid in the case of Brent Sass in this last race when his dogs went on strike at White Mountain after he pushed to try to keep up with the flying Seaveys. I guess time will tell.
As for me, I am on schedule to fly out of El Paso on June 22 and arrive in Anchorage that evening, before sundown since it will be one day past the summer solstice. I will again be met by my frieind Bill and perhaps spend the night at his home in Anchorage--if he has not completed a planned move to Palmer by then, in which case we'd go on up there. I will rent a car this time and will attend the ITC annual meeting on June 25th. I do not intend to try to speak there and will basically keep a low profile officially. However, I will meet Helen Hegener and also try to catch up with Deedee Jonrowe and some other mushers. Since the same day is also when sign ups for the 2017 race start, quite a few from the Wasilla/Willow region do show up. If possible I will try to set in motion a plan to go up in the fall and stay at one or more kennels and work for the privilege of listening and learning in the early parts of the fall training season.
Jody Bailey, another female musher I am following and somewhat in contact with, posted on her FB page a link to a new list where people seeking handler and helper jobs with kennels can get connected with kennels needing help. While I do not think I can commit to a six month stint right now, I am not ruling out that possibility and will certainly be checking this list a lot! Mostly they are looking for young people who hope to parley this experience into becoming mushers themselves but some might be willing to take on an aging aficionado who is not afraid of work! I can hope.
Anyway that is where we're at as of today. Keeping on keeping on and watching Aliy's progress via her SPK blog as she recovers from her foot surgery. I can imagine what a pain it has been to her to be partly immobilized and "foot-decapped" for close to two months but it was necessary to be able to continue her career. She has kept her wonderful humor and shared some fun things to include pictures of the two 2015 fall litters as they grow past the six month stage and start to look like big dogs. They are going to be awesome and amazing!! Of course Ginger and her Surfiver brothers are going to be really starting to work this fall, no doubt running in some of the shorter preliminary races and perhaps one or more even making the YQ or the Iditarod next year!
Here is Ginger with Aliy a few weeks ago. Love that dog and of course Aliy!! Isn't that a sweet picture? Aliy has sucha great bond and rapport with all the dogs but some are more affectionate than others. Seems Ginger is a love bug.
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