Old timer Jeff King, four time Iditarod champ and also several YQ wins, has the lead for now. He forged on last night and got to Ruby at trail mile 613. That means he got the First to the Yukon Award and that famous five course dinner served by an historical hotel in Ruby. That's been "his thing" for some time. I know he did it in 2014. He loves that meal and takes his twenty four there to let it settle and rest his team after a hard push. He got there with all sixteen dogs, despite the fast pace which says a lot about his training and care.
Quite a few racers checked in to Cripple and are taking their big rest there, close behind Dallas Seavey. Brent Sass, 2016 YQ 2nd place, has taken his twenty four but camped not far out of Cripple. Still running with fifteen, Aliy just breezed through that checkpoint and has now passed him by two miles, putting her in second place for now. I checked out the video someone got and the team looked great, ears and tails all up and trotting with great energy! She will probably get to Ruby before Jeff leaves and it is possible she will hold second or even move to lead for awhile since only Brett has left Cripple so far. Dallas is due out of there about 6:00 pm Alaska time after his twenty four hours and make up two plus hours time, another early starter. Noah Burmeister and a couple of others may get on the trail before he does since they have much later start positions and thus less make-up time. It is starting to get interesting now!
A separate side note, our canine crew had a minor run-in with a skunk late last night. The old Heeler-Corgi mix girl got the worst of it and since it was late at night, my brother let her in before he realized so now we have a rather smelly house! We did not use tomato juice; that seems to be an old wives tale. Apple Cider vinegar diluted 1 to 2 with water helps some but only some... I guessd lall of those stinkers are hibernating now up north but I her the moose are out so hope no one tangles with them. They may not smell but they can be very mean!
Michelle Phillips and Jessie Royer are still on the trail between Ophir and Cripple--a 73 mile run after their 24 hours in Takotna and the 23 mile run to Ophir. The other ladies are scattered back through the eighty one racers still on the trail, some at McGrath and some into Takotna, mostly. Still there is room for a lot to happen with nearly half the race yet to be run, cold, lonely miles down the Yukon to Kaltag, over to Unalakleet on the coast and then up the notorious coast where sudden blizzards are almost the rule. It ain't over 'til its over! That will be late Sunday nigth/Monday morning at the earliest unless someone sets a new speed record. There has also been another scratch, Charley Bejna who often travels with the Berrigton twins. He left the race at McGrath with eleven dogs still in harness. I am not yet aware of why; there may be a canine nova virus type bug loose on the trail due in part to the milder than usual weather. That would be bad.
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