Monday, March 21, 2016

Post Race comments Installment 1

They did not broadcast the awards banquet from Nome this year and I was really bummed about that but also my eyes--I have a bad combo of dry eyes and allergic eyes that really get bleary and blurred at times--were not up to computer work.

However I did watch a few of the video clips this morning and was thrilled to see Aliy got the Leonard Seppala Humanitarian Award for the best health of a finishing team demonstrating exemplary care. She shared the credit with Allen saying his care of many of the same dogs on the Yukon Quest made it possible for her to keep them in good shape despite the trauma. She and Jeff King were both honored by the village of Nulato and Jeff spoke a bit about the impaired driving plague while Aliy just said she would be visiting and running dogs in the Yukon villages for many years to come. She seemed very surprised with both bits of recognition; not only is she a wonderful person, she is modest and has no trace of a swelled head, contrary to others I will not name!

I will do an honor roll of the female mushers soon. They all deserve recognition and each one did an exemplary race from Aliy down to the rookie who got the Red Lantern award as the last one in. She still got her finisher's buckle and will not be a rookie next year! She completed what she set out to do and in my book, that is a winner!

Here is a picture of Aliy and Allen with the beautiful trophy sponsored by Alaska Airlines. I will be even prouder than ever to wear my red beanie now that I got for becoming a small sponsor of Aliy and her Red Team this season.  As I posted on their blog, both teams will be back next year, better than ever and they are true winners always because they are 'the best'. And IMHO, the comment on the second picture says it all! Not mine but I heartily endorse the sentiment!! Thank The Powers That Be for people like Aliy and Allen!!

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